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    Roza Laious
    Doctor of Clinical Psychology (PhD.) University of Athens
    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    Schema Therapy for Children, Adolescents and Adults

    My specialty and my experience in Clinical Psychology, cultivated a deep desire to increase my knowledge in screening and in treatment of various psychopathological symptoms and disorders in children, adolescents and adults.

    What is the field of Clinical Psychology?

    Clinical Psychology constitutes an applied field of Psychology, which combines both science and research. The specialty of Clinical Psychology is acquired by the completion of Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology.

    Clinical Psychologist is preoccupied with the evaluation, screening and the diagnosis of psychological difficulties and disorders, as well as with their appropriate treatment. Moreover, Clinical Psychologist designs intervention programs to crisis.

    PhD. In Clinical Psychology

    My PhD research project enabled me to look much deeper into an issue that is central in a therapeutic and personal level to my life. I tried to combine the therapeutic model of Schema Therapy with my need to cultivate a warm and secure attachment between parents and children.

    The results of the specific research are a lot promising, as I designed and constructed the first international Schema-based psychoeducational program which addresses both children and their parents as well. By the academic supervision and assistance of Dr. Galanaki E., Professor of Developmental Psychology, University of Athens and by the clinical supervision and assistance of Dr. Aggeli K., Schema Therapist, Supervisor & Trainer, the research project was implemented to 90 children and their parents.

    The specific research project constitutes the first international Schema-based psychoeducational program, as there is no reference to similar programs except for therapeutic groups and programs to children or adolescents (Laious et al., 2020, 2022).

    The program is planned to be implemented in person to groups of children and parents in Greece and in collaboration with Schema Therapists from other countries.

    What does the PhD thesis offers?

    The doctoral research in the field of Clinical Psychology allows the researcher to study in a deeper level a certain issue/topic/phenomenon/disorder etc. preventively or/and therapeutically to community and clinical population. The doctoral researcher is capable of offering the scientific community an innovative significant knowledge.

    When I began my training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, I was impressed by its high effectiveness on treating symptoms and disorders. I felt a strong need to study this therapeutic treatment in order to work effectively with children, adolescents and adults.

    Some information about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy constitutes a structured and evidence-based therapeutic approach. It comprises cognitive and behavioral techniques which aim to alter the cognition of the patient, in order to alter his/her thoughts and behaviors. Its basic principle is that the thought has strong effect on emotions and behavior. Also, it supports the notion that the understanding and the modification of emotions and behaviors is achieved through the understanding of the cognition. Emotional and behavioral responses are highly affected by cognition, thoughts, beliefs and interpretation of self, others, the situations and the future.

    On the other hand, behavior affects a lot cognitions and emotions, and behavior forms a powerful way of altering them.

    The psychotherapeutic process focuses rather on present issues and on the points that preserve the problem than on the points that had led to its emergence. Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy is mostly short-term.

    A wide range of studies supports its effectiveness in anxiety disorders, emotional disorders, depression, interpersonal difficulties, conduct behavior, eating disorders, sexual disorders.

    When I began my training in Schema Therapy I felt how much this therapeutic model suits me as a therapist and the extent to which it can transform the personal experience… the way that we intend to treat and conceive ourselves can be transformed through Schema Therapy, as well as our relationship with others and the world in general. It is highly experiential approach and it focuses on emotions.

    Some information about Schema Therapy

    Schema Therapy constitutes an integrative therapeutic model. Ιt is an integrative, multi-modal approach that shares essential features with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Object Relations Theory, Attachment Theory, Gestalt Therapy, and Transactional Psychoanalysis, and has integrated elements from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Positive Psychology, and Mentalization-Based Therapy.

    Schema Therapy may be short- or long-term, depending on the patient and his/her needs. It focuses on psychological difficulties and wounds from childhood and adolescence, as well as on unmet core emotional needs. Also, it focuses on early maladaptive schemas, modes, coping strategies through emotional and experiential techniques, cognitive and behavioral techniques. Moreover, it focuses a lot on the rapport between therapist and patient through the unique therapeutic stance of the therapist of limited-reparenting and confrontation with empathy.

    Schema Therapy is an evidence-based therapeutic approach that is effective treatment mostly on personality disorders and chronic, persistent emotional disorders, in group settings, in couples therapy and in the treatment of children and adolescents.

    “Bloom Together”

    The idea of implementing my PhD research project - during which I designed, constructed and implemented the specific Schema-based psychoeducational program- derived from different but interrelated personal paths. Firstly, I was highly affected by my training and specialty in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. The more I was studying the therapeutic model of Schema Therapy, the more I was excited by the warmth and the focus on the core emotional needs of children. My clinical experience with the children increased my need to facilitate the fulfillment of their emotional needs and to enhance the relationship between parents and children.

    I felt that Schema Therapy combines the therapeutic elements that I needed as therapist and as mother. The experience of motherhood combined with all those new emotions and experiences that it offers me, and the relationship with my kids, increased a lot my need to protect and promote children’s mental health. Motherhood led me to observe and notice which are children’s needs and try to correspond to them. My motivation to create a program that could connect children and parents with safety and warmth, preventing mental health difficulties in childhood and adolescents, incited me to implement such a research project.

    Each group includes 10-12 members, in order for all the members to have equal time to participate in the activities.

    The structure of the program is very specific and each session has a specific aim and goal.

    The children's groups consist of 16 weekly meetings while the parents' groups consist of 10 meetings per fortnight.

    The research context of the psychoeducational groups

    The thesis is: " Promotion of children’s mental health through Schema Therapy: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a preventive program for children and their parents", Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The research project received a 3-year scholarship from State Scolarships Foundaton from Greece and the European Union.

    The PhD research project was implemented under the academic supervision of Professor of Developmental Psychology, Galanaki Evaggelia, Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, as well as under the clinical supervision of Dr. Aggeli Katerina, PhD Clinical Psychology, CBT, and Schema Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer for Children, Adolescents and Adults.

    Research team

    Argalia Eftihia

    The Clinical Psychologist (MSc) has completed her studies in the Psychology Program of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA), where she subsequently obtained a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology. He was trained in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy at the Behavioral Research and Therapy Institute and in Schema Therapy from the Hellenic Society of Schema Therapy, while he has also been trained in Group Schema Therapy. He maintains a private office in the Acropolis and at the same time collaborates with private centers providing psychological services. He teaches at the postgraduate level at the Metropolitan College of Athens and has previously lectured in the Department of Psychology at EKPA. Her clinical experience includes group therapy for adults and individual therapy for children, adolescents and adults. The contexts in which he has carried out clinical work include mental health institutions, such as the psychiatric department of the Aegina Hospital, the Student Psychological Counseling Laboratory (EKPA), the K.P.Y. Peristeriou and the Psychiatric Hospital of Attica "Dromokaiteio".

    Koutrafouri Viky

    Graduated from the Psychology Department of Panteion University (Licence No.: 5876/ 17-02-2006, Prefecture of Athens). He has specialized in Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy from the Center for Applied Psychotherapy and Counseling, as well as in Schema Therapy, holding Advanced Certified Schema Therapist certification from the International Society of Schema Therapy. In addition, she is a graduate of the Pedagogical Department of Elementary Education of the University of the Aegean and the Interdepartmental Graduate Program of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the title "Psycho-pedagogy of inclusion» and direction Psychopedagogical components of special educational needs. He has many years of experience in structures and programs of the public and private sector both with children and adolescents as well as with adults. Today she practices as a private psychologist-psychotherapist.

    Marini Katerina

    Psychologist - Scientific Associate of EKPA, with Postgraduate Studies in Psychoanalysis. He currently specializes in Schema Therapy at the EETHS (Hellenic Society of Schema Therapy) and at the PMS: "Mental Health and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry" of the School of Medicine of the EKPA. During her professional career as a Psychologist, she has offered her services to Public and Private Mental Health Structures, both at the level of Clinical Assessment - Diagnosis, and at the level of Planning Counseling and Therapeutic Interventions. She works in her Private Psychological Office, where she supports Psychotherapeutic and Counseling Children - Adolescents - Adults.

    Sintila Ioanna

    Syntila Ioanna is a Psychologist, graduated from Panteion University and holds a Master's degree from the Specialization Program in Clinical Psychology and Mental Health at the University of Sussex (UK). He has specialized in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for children, adolescents and adults, of the Institute for Behavioral Research and Therapy (IETHS) and is currently training in Schema Therapy, of the Hellenic Society of Schema Therapy. She has worked in child and family therapy centers and the Child & Adolescent Therapy department of the Institute for Behavioral Research and Therapy. She works privately with adults, children and adolescents and practices parent counseling.


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